Not All Stress is Created Equal

About Us
A couple of high school sweethearts from Iowa that have been married since 1996 who’ve developed a bit of an obsession with trying to live a healthy-ish lifestyle. Like most couples, we’re a funny combination of yin and yang, and that seems to find a reasonable balance on the health & wellness spectrum. Ang is a dietician by education and next to chocolate her favorite food is vegetables…like all of them! She’ll literally text me during the day
“Hey….I’ve had 9 vegetables today, how many have you had?”
“Does Candy Corn count?” Okay, I’m not that bad, I eat a pretty healthy diet, but I when I work out I punish myself to make up for all my eating sins. Something I’m working on in my early 50’s as my body is beginning to rebel from a lifetime of abuse, accidental and intentional.
Over the last few years we’ve really fallen in love with the sauna & cold plunge trend. Doug has been doing some form of cold water exposure since 2014 and it’s become an important part of his life and health regimen. Angie finally decided to join the cold plunge trend, mostly to improve her HRV, but isn’t convinced it’s the cure all Doug believes it is. While we do like to play around with new trends and try out all kinds of workouts, “diets” and supplements were equal parts band wagon and time tested wellness practices.
We are both now hitting fifty, born in 1971 and 1973, and we desire to live long, healthy lives, so we’ve started to ask ourselves if our efforts are really making a difference. How can we tell?
Doug took the Inside Tracker Inner Age test January of 2022, just after his 50th birthday and with Angie turning 50 in May of 2023 we thought it would be a really cool idea to track our results, strategize on how to improve these results, document our efforts and share them with the people who stumble across this blog.
Our hypothesis is that by putting ourselves through the proper types of stress (Hormesis), we’ll become harder to kill and live longer healthier lives. We’d love for you to follow along on our journey, share your thoughts and maybe even participate in some of these tests as we figure out how this blog thing really works.
Wishing you a long, healthy and “stressful” life.
Doug &Angie
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